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Teeth Whitening (ZOOM)

Our Woodland Hills dentists know that the whiteness of your smile can have a major impact on your confidence. Whether you have a fun event like a wedding coming up, want to look your best for interviews, or simply want to smile a little brighter for your everyday life—we can help! West Valley Dental provides expert, in-office whitening treatments to help you achieve your ideal shade.

What Causes Discoloration?

Throughout a lifetime, every person deals with a certain amount of unavoidable, natural discoloration of their teeth caused by aging. Our diet and beverage choices also make a significant impact: consuming excessive sugar and drinking tea, coffee, or wine can cause your smile to lose its luster. Even certain medications and other habits like smoking can affect the whiteness of your teeth. Some people are even born with naturally yellow teeth. At West Valley Dental, we offer professional whitening services to help you undo the effects of these habits for a bright, beautiful smile worth showing off!

In-Office Whitening

While in-office whitening procedures tend to be more costly than over-the-counter or take-home options, there are many reasons to select this option when it comes to brightening your smile. If you are set on seeing fast and striking results, your dentist will be able to provide them with the use of professional-grade chemicals and equipment.

Like your skin, your teeth have pores. Whitening natural teeth involves stimulating enamel rods in the tooth to widen dentinal tubules, allowing for the chemical agent to penetrate deeply for powerful whitening. The whitening agent your dentist will use in-office is significantly stronger and more effective than other options available. Your dentist is also more capable of isolating the areas that need this treatment, preventing soft tissues like your gums from coming into contact with the chemical agents at work.

For most patients, our in-office whitening treatments take under an hour to complete and involve minimal sensitivity. As with any whitening procedure, your beautiful results will fade with time. In order to extend the brightness of your smile, we suggest limiting contact with discoloring foods, beverages, and habits. Patients should also consider planning for an eventual touch-up.

Visit Our Woodland Hills Dentist

There’s no wrong time to start improving the look of your smile. We are available to answer any questions you have regarding our whitening treatments as well as schedule an appointment. Call today to have our Woodland Hills dentist brighten your teeth!


    West Valley Dental

    6543 Topanga Canyon Blvd.

    Woodland Hills, CA 91303

    (818) 883-7979

    Office Hours

    Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

    Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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