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How and Why Do We Undergo Wisdom Tooth Removal?


​Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted?

Wisdom teeth are the very last molars in the back of your mouth. Wisdom teeth used to be necessary for survival because they took on a lot of pressure other teeth could not handle. They were used for chewing and breaking down hard foods. Today, wisdom teeth are essentially obsolete. Now, we rely on utensils, cooking, and other preparation methods our great ancestors did not have to make certain foods easily consumable.

Due to the changes and advancements we have made over time, wisdom teeth have begun to be phased out of our genetic development. Our jaws have become much smaller, as well, eliminating the extra room wisdom teeth require to properly sit inside the mouth. Today, wisdom tooth extraction is a common practice.

Typically, the earliest age that wisdom teeth start to emerge is age seventeen. Occasionally, they can emerge as late as age twenty-five. It is also not uncommon to meet people whose wisdom teeth never came in and never will.

If wisdom teeth start to emerge, they can shift and come in at the wrong direction, partially erupt and slowly gather decay, become impacted, lead to infection, and often cause pain. If this occurs, it is important to visit a dentist as soon as possible and have them examined.

Sometimes, wisdom teeth can harbor disease without a patient realizing it or experiencing discomfort at all, which leads to problems later in life.

​​The Extraction Procedure

Having your wisdom teeth extracted is a fairly simple process and is usually completed in one appointment. The procedure begins with the dentist (or oral surgeon) administering anesthesia. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist makes an incision in the gum tissue to expose bone and underlying portions of the tooth. The dentist removes any bone that is in the way and prevents them from reaching the root.

The dentist performing the extraction will then remove the tooth, either whole or in sections. They will clean the area thoroughly before placing gauze on top of the extraction site to stop the bleeding, and protect the clot that will soon form. Occasionally, the wound is stitched closed to promote healing.

​​Wisdom Teeth Removal in Woodland Hills – Family Dentistry

Are you searching for a reliable dentist near Woodland Hills, CA to have a look at emerging wisdom teeth, and possibly perform wisdom tooth extraction surgery on you or a member of your family? West Valley Dental is your family dentist in Woodland Hills and your go-to location for wisdom tooth extraction, and other professional dental services.

Contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our reliable dental professionals today.

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    Woodland Hills, CA 91303

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